VIDEO: Otřesné týrání! V cirkusu tahají delfíny z vody, aby se s nimi lidé fotili

8. ledna 2019·Zprávy·Karolína Stránská

Cirkusy v poslední době čelí kritice za týrání a zneužívání zvířat. Není proto divu, když se tyto děsivé fotky ze zařízení v Indonésii objevily na sociální síti, rozčílené reakce na sebe nenechaly dlouho čekat.

Na snímcích z Tangerangu jsou totiž vidět delfíni prakticky na souši. Důvod, proč savci musí vylézt z bazénu, je poměrně bizarní. Pózují totiž návštěvníkům na selfie. Lidé si je navíc ještě hladí.

A bear is forced to perform in return for food

A bear is forced to perform in return for food. A dolphin is forced to stay out water, waiting its turn to entertain. Being out of water for long periods of time can hurt dolphins physically and psychologically.The video footage taken on December 9 in TangerangPlease stand with us in protesting against animal performances in Indonesia. There is still a lot of work to do. But we cannot afford to ignore what is going on around us. Change starts with small steps. We will never give up on animals. You can write politely to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to ask it to put an end to animal circuses in Indonesia:You may use this email draft below if you wish:Dear Minister of Environment & Forestry Republic of IndonesiaSiti Nurbaya BakarGedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok I Lt. 3Jalan Gatot Subroto – SenayanJakarta sitinurbaya.bakar@gmail.comCc:,,, pkbsi@izaa.orgYour Excellence,Re: Calls to End Animal Performances at Zoos and Safari ParksI am writing to you to express my deep concerns with regards to the use of animals in performances in zoos and safari parks in Indonesia. We stand against wildlife attractions for the sake of entertainment rather than education. These attractions are a form of animal abuse and exploitation.Animal trainers and showmen frequently engage in negative reinforcement, whipping and striking animals, forcing them to carry out unnatural tricks and demonstrating that the animals can only be “controlled” by pain and fear.Performance in the presence of spectators are likely to cause severe stress to captive wild animals. Loud noise is a well-known stressor; acoustical stress within and outside the human hearing range can cause critical alteration in physiological parameters for captive animals.Animals are often housed in small, barren enclosures and released from their confinement only for a few minutes during their performance and for training sessions. Stress caused by such conditions can cause severe behavioural and physiological problems for captive wild animals.Even worse, society, in particular, children, become desensitised to animal suffering. Minister, all this leads to a negative international image of Indonesia, with tourists returning to their home countries reporting cases of animal abuse rather than highlighting the natural beauty and the rich cultural experiences which Indonesia is so famous for.I am appealing to you, Minister, to join the international movement against the use and abuse of animals in performances, and to pass and enforce laws ending animal shows in captive wildlife facilities. Please take action on behalf of animals, who cannot fend for themselves. Thank you

Zveřejnil(a) Movement to End Animal Circuses in Indonesia dne Neděle 30. prosince 2018

Záběry zveřejnila organizace na záchranu zvířat na svém facebookovém profilu. “Delfíni jsou nuceni vyskočit z vody, aby si je mihli návštěvníci pohladit a vyfotit se s nimi. Toto chování jim ubližuje, neboť se jejich jemná kůže tře  hrubý povrch podlahy. Delší pobyt mimo vodu jim může ublížit fyzicky i mentálně,” uvádí ochranáři.

Dolphins are forced to “kiss” visitors so they can take pictures

Dolphins are forced to “kiss” visitors so they can take pictures. The exploitation and abuse of these animals cannot be justified. These dolphins are often out of the water for long periods of time. This harms dolphins physically and psychologically.The video footage taken on December 9 in TangerangPlease stand with us in protesting against animal performances in Indonesia. There is still a lot of work to do. But we cannot afford to ignore what is going on around us. Change starts with small steps. We will never give up on animals. You can write politely to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to ask it to put an end to animal circuses in Indonesia:You may use this email draft below if you wish:Dear Minister of Environment & Forestry Republic of IndonesiaSiti Nurbaya BakarGedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok I Lt. 3Jalan Gatot Subroto – SenayanJakarta sitinurbaya.bakar@gmail.comCc:,,, pkbsi@izaa.orgYour Excellence,Re: Calls to End Animal Performances at Zoos and Safari ParksI am writing to you to express my deep concerns with regards to the use of animals in performances in zoos and safari parks in Indonesia. We stand against wildlife attractions for the sake of entertainment rather than education. These attractions are a form of animal abuse and exploitation.Animal trainers and showmen frequently engage in negative reinforcement, whipping and striking animals, forcing them to carry out unnatural tricks and demonstrating that the animals can only be “controlled” by pain and fear.Performance in the presence of spectators are likely to cause severe stress to captive wild animals. Loud noise is a well-known stressor; acoustical stress within and outside the human hearing range can cause critical alteration in physiological parameters for captive animals.Animals are often housed in small, barren enclosures and released from their confinement only for a few minutes during their performance and for training sessions. Stress caused by such conditions can cause severe behavioural and physiological problems for captive wild animals.Even worse, society, in particular, children, become desensitised to animal suffering. Minister, all this leads to a negative international image of Indonesia, with tourists returning to their home countries reporting cases of animal abuse rather than highlighting the natural beauty and the rich cultural experiences which Indonesia is so famous for.I am appealing to you, Minister, to join the international movement against the use and abuse of animals in performances, and to pass and enforce laws ending animal shows in captive wildlife facilities. Please take action on behalf of animals, who cannot fend for themselves. Thank you

Zveřejnil(a) Movement to End Animal Circuses in Indonesia dne Pátek 28. prosince 2018


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