VIDEO: Zaměstnankyně měsíce! Žena naplivala zákaznici do jídla

3. dubna 2018·Zábava·Barbora Pisingerová

Po internetu se rychlostí blesku šíří tohle nechutné video. Zaměstnankyně rychlého občerstvení v americkém státě Montana se na videu nejprve ostře hádá se zákaznicí a pak jí bezostyšně přede všemi naplive přímo do jídla. Společnost už se za incident omluvila.

K vyhrocenému konfliktu mezi zákaznicí a zaměstnankyní došlo na pobočce rychlého občerstvení Pita Pit v Montaně, USA. Tato prodejna mívá běžně otevřeno do tří hodin ráno. Když si tam však krátce před zavíračkou přišla skupina zákazníků ještě objednat, jedné zaměstnankyni očividně ruply nervy.

Nejprve se se ženou začala hádat, že už zavírají. V ruce však držela jídlo, které si zákaznice zřejmě objednala. Není jasné, co přesně předcházelo, ale zaměstnankyně pravděpodobně ženě vyhrožovala, že její jídlo znehodnotí, protože ta na záběrech vykřikne ne zrovna slušně, že ji k tomu vyzývá, a pracovnice potom přímo přede všemi do jídla skutečně plivne. Následně se na sebe ženy vrhnou ve fyzické potyčce a nezastaví je dokonce ani to, že mají mezi sebou pult s jídlem.

Podle zákaznice, která pak pořízené video nahrála na sociální sítě, neměla vůbec v úmyslu vyvolat podobné drama. Pracovnice fast foodu prý byla od začátku nepříjemná a dokonce řekla, že její úsměv je falešný, protože tam vůbec nechce být.

Když pak jedna žena ze skupiny zákaznic požádala o lžíci na avokádo, zaměstnankyně ji odmítla s tím, že nehodlá chodit dozadu. Když žena trvala na svém, že lžičku chce, měla pracovnice říct “Co kdybych vám místo toho plivla do jídla,”. Od tohoto bodu už prý ostatní členové skupiny začali nahrávat…

Just a few customers trying to give them business!!! PITA PIT (downtown Missoula doesn’t close until 3am)…we come in at approximately 2:00am trying to order food and this woman spit in our food because apparently “she was having a bad day and didn’t wanna be at work!”…….mind you, she argues with us a few seconds before we were actually able to capture this on video!! (PITA PIT, downtown MISSOULA, MT)FEEL FREE TO SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!FULL STORY:On Friday night, March 23rd, we had been playing pool at the local bowling alley with family as we were all in town for a wedding. We left the bowling alley around midnight and went back to the hotel then decided we wanted something to eat. We looked online and it said Pita Pit was open until 3am. We walked into the Downtown Missoula Pita Pit anywhere in between 1:55 and 2:00 am. We were in good spirits and had ZERO intentions of being loud, annoying and rude. We stood at the counter for about a minute before we were actually approached and was told to proceed to the cashier so we can make our order. The lady had a bad attitude from the start saying how she was faking a smile and how much she didn’t want to be there. She had asked us to hurry up and make a decision to make this quicker for her because she’s tired. Her words were somewhere along the line of “I don’t want to be here so I’m not going to smile because it’s going to be fake. Let’s just get this over with.” We were shocked at her blatant rudeness when she had literally just served a customer before us. We then replied to her that she should quit her job If she wants to have a bad attitude about making our food. I felt her behavior was based on a judgement she made as soon as we walked in the door. She did not know us and we were not being rude or belligerent. She felt she could treat us like this and get away with it for some reason. And because there was a Caucasian male who had just paid for his food that did NOT receive the same attitude we got from her, we felt she was treating us like this because of our race. As she start making our food, Danisha (as seen in the video) asked for avocados and the girl refused to go in the back to get a spoon for them. When danisha asked her again to go get the spoon the worker replied with “how about I spit in your fucking food instead” at which point Tyanna started filming. The videoing takes place after we heard her say it because we were really surprised she had threatened to spit in our food and Tyanna realized she should record just in case and start filming a Snapchat video. And despite being recorded, the worker continued to be rude and actually spit in the food! Tyanna quit recording because she had to put her phone away to try and usher us all out. At that point the worker was yelling at us to “come at me” and we were arguing back and forth. At that point I became fed up. I could not believe she had been rude first of all, then spit in our food, and was still trying to provoke us by inviting an altercation. It worked. I was provoked and engaged in a physical altercation with the employee. Tyanna attempted to break it up and the other worker pushed her. Tyanna tried again to break it up, then the other worker pulled me away by my hair and shirt. We then all left and they locked the door. There was no other customers in the restaurant, although a woman tried to lie and say she was there on FB and that we were drunk and belligerent. She was caught in her lie, however, by it just goes to show how far people will go to defend her actions. Nothing justifies spitting in another persons food. We are now receiving multiple threats via FB messenger, and our integrity and character is under attack. We didn’t want any of this, we just don’t think this behavior should be tolerated or swept under the rug anymore and that’s why we shared the video.

Zveřejnil(a) ShaeLynn MadPlume dne 24. březen 2018


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